Mizulyn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mizulyn/art/DigiBrony-s-Ponysona-Download-Added-8-16-2018-349707971Mizulyn

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DigiBrony's Ponysona [+Download! Added: 8/16/2018]



Disclaimer: Digibrony and I do not always see eye to eye when it comes to our opinions on certain issues. Please don't get confused!

EDIT 8/16/2018: I haven't talked to Digi in a really long time, and nearly all of his MLP videos are hidden at this point. Seeing as how the base of this avatar was borrowed from the show anyway, I figured I'd make the poses/expressions available to the general public, in case anyone ever decided to use this male pony as a base. These are the original assets. A couple of things to be aware of though: Most of the assets are misaligned and messy. I should have used vectors, but I didn't, so they won't work very well at certain resolutions. Enjoy at your own risk! They're in a bunch of zip files: mega.nz/#F!nrxHwJYZ!1iq_jxF3PF…

Original Artist's Comment:
Completed version of this! fav.me/d5ry6x0

So I finally finished :icondigibro:'s Ponysona. If you haven't checked out his Analytical Pony videos, you really should! www.youtube.com/user/Digibrony… do iiiiiit

Oh gosh; sorry that the lines look so freaking awful, I'm a little rusty ; 7 ; I wish I knew how to make vectors all things considered though I'm proud of the overall mane style and the exact colors
u w u

Now I gotta draw a whole bunch of expressions and possibly different poses as well :'D The male pony models are so inconsistent on this show oh gosh

Pose borrowed from Apple Cinnamon mlp.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_pon…
Image size
1076x964px 192.89 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Mizulyn
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credechica4's avatar
nice work, though digi kinda quit the fandom years ago